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of Chinese Stone Machinery

Efficient Ocean Freight Management: Enhancing Efficiency in Sea Cargo Operations


Over 80% of global trade by volume and 70% by value is carried by sea, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). This highlights the extensive global reach of ocean freight.

Group, as a non-vessel operating common carrier(NVOCC), proudly serves as the premier agent for leading global carriers such as COSCO, OOCL, EMC, HMM and ONE. We provide our clients with the most competitive pricing and guaranteed space availability. We take charge of the entire process, from cargo bookings and organizing pickups to deliveries. Fully customized door-to-door solutions can be aligned with your needs and preferences.

Product Details

Product Tags

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Ocean Freight
Group Inc, founded in 1991, has over 30 years of experience as a freight forwarding company, offering a wide range of transportation services to individuals and businesses.
Even within short timelines and tight budgets, you can get the right ocean service for your business. Our experts analyze your freight characteristics in the context of current market conditions and help improve your strategy.

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Group Ocean Freight Options
● Comprehensive consultancy for coordinating international transport and logistics
 Various logistics services such as DDU, DDP, FOB
 Management of both Less than Container Load (LCL) and Full Container Load (FCL)
● Door-to-door transportation solutions
● Expert handling of oversized, overweight and dangerous cargo
● Customs brokerage

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Top Benefits

Rich Experience

Established since 1991, with over 30 years of professional ocean shipping experience and our company operates offices in Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Foshan, China.

Competitive Pricing

Group offers cost-effective prices while maintaining top-quality service, ensuring customer satisfaction.

Quality Service

Our commitment to on-time deliveries, cargo safety, and excellent customer service distinguishes us as a reliable and customer-centric partner in the industry.

Global Network

Group’s extensive worldwide network, encompassing major ports and trade routes, is a key factor in our competitiveness.

Environmental Sustainability

Group is increasingly seeking ocean shipping suppliers with sustainable and eco-friendly practices.

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